What to do to prevent water in pipes from freezing in winter

There are special liquids that do not freeze, usually they are sold in 5-liter bottles, and they say: -10 degrees, -20 and so on. A non-freeze person can also freeze. The other day I bought -20. It was about -15 outside. The fluid is frozen, the washers do not work. I also spilled this liquid in the car, and it froze there on the rug. Miracles. Or low-quality anti-freeze.

You can also use concentrates. Dilute with water, and you get the same anti-freeze. In this way you can control the amount of concentrate depending on the temperature outside.

Use fairy - for me personally this method does not work in winter, it turns into a white mess, nothing is visible.

How to dilute alcohol for windshield washer

Many car enthusiasts prefer to prepare winter windshield washer fluid themselves. There are reasons for this. Below we will describe why and how to do it correctly.

Washer, washer, anti-freeze, windshield washer, bilge washer and just some water

- all these epithets in driver's slang mean the same thing: winter (non-freezing) windshield washer fluid. So many words that mean the same thing indicate the extreme importance of anti-freeze for drivers. Well, of course: without it, nothing will be visible through the windshield, especially in our slushy winters. To prevent water from freezing in winter, you need to buy and fill the windshield washer fluid reservoir with antifreeze liquid. They are sold for different temperatures, and, in general, there are no problems with its purchase. However, this is just the tip of the iceberg. Most drivers have no idea about the danger they are exposed to when buying anti-freeze. And those who guess, often prefer to “install” the winter anti-freeze on their own. So what are these dangers?

There are many ways to prepare anti-freeze liquid

. All of them are based on diluting various alcohols or other liquid chemical compounds with water, whose freezing point is well below zero. For a long time, antifreeze was made mainly by mixing methyl alcohol with water and adding a fragrance for scent. It was simply the cheapest way. True, over time, humanity has discovered that methyl poison, methyl alcohol, is poisonous, and so are its vapors. Methyl alcohol washer hits the windshield, flows down and the methyl alcohol vapor is sucked into the stove. Then the vapors enter the cabin, are heated by the stove and are sent straight to your face, into your eyes and also into your lungs with your breath. In the lungs, methyl alcohol vapors are absorbed into the blood. Of course, the dose will not be enough to make you drunk, but constant use of methyl wash has an extremely negative effect on your health, especially your eyes and lungs. However, the whole body suffers.

Over time, people realized that methyl antifreeze has an extremely negative effect on health

. As a result, it was banned in many countries. In Russia, it is prohibited by Decree of the Chief State Sanitary Doctor of the Russian Federation No. 4 dated May 25, 2000 “On the prohibition of the use of windshield washer fluids containing methyl alcohol (methanol).” The antifreeze was supposed to be made either from other alcohols (which are tens of times more expensive than methyl alcohol), or on a completely different base, for example, monopropylene glycol. It would seem, what else to worry about? But Russia (as usual) turned out to be ahead of the rest. They began to make washers on a different basis, only on paper. Just as there was antifreeze made from methyl alcohol in Russia, it remains methyl alcohol, only it has become two to four times more expensive.

How to protect yourself from methyl washer

to a mere mortal driver who does not have a chemical laboratory to determine the presence of methyl alcohol in the washer. Taking into account the fact that methyl alcohol is outwardly indistinguishable from absolutely safe ethyl alcohol, the problem becomes very, very non-trivial. The easiest way is to buy the most expensive washes, hoping for the honesty of the manufacturer of expensive products. True, this method is very expensive, especially for those who travel a lot. In addition, do not forget that we live in Russia. Here they can sell you anything at exorbitant prices.

For Russia, the only guaranteed method of protection against methyl antifreeze

- this is not buying anti-freeze in the store at all. Next, we have three options: 1. Heating the tank and injectors 2. Filling the tank with vodka 3. Diluting ethyl (medicinal or food) alcohol The last two methods are close relatives

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