Insulation materials
Although aerated concrete has a porous structure, it provides for the presence of air inside (the best heat insulator
Application of new developments Competition in the construction market forces manufacturers to look for ways to improve product quality.
In country houses, the floors are usually wooden. Often they are located directly on the ground or above
We live in a time of innovation and technology. Construction, like all other industries, is moving
Arrangement of heating of underground premises Heating in the basement is designed to create an optimal temperature regime,
In winter, at least 25% of the heat is lost through the roof of an uninsulated building; the losses are compensated by increased heating. Of course
Autonomous heating is installed in many apartments and most private houses that have their own water supply. This
Expanded clay as floor insulation or mineral wool - the choice of specialists Nowadays, the cost of heating
Stone wool has long been considered one of the best insulation materials among the entire variety of mineral wool. Her
Insulation of housing is a pressing problem of our time. Not only in new buildings, but also in